Siobhan Cunningham

Siobhan Cunningham

Siobhan works for Yoast and is based in The Netherlands. She is a Make marketing team representative and co-ordinator for the weekly marketing team meetings. She was a co-organiser for the recent WordCamp Nijmegen 2019, working on speaker liaison.

With Abha Thakor, they lead the marketing campaign to encourage subtitling on videos and the WordPress video marketing project.

Siobhan has a background in Communication and Multimedia Design and Communication science. She enjoys being part of a community where so many people from across the world not only build together the WordPress open source project but they share knowledge and learn so much from each other too.

Twitter: @siobhanseija

On the Schedule

Siobhan will be co-leading a workshop on SEO on the Friday afternoon of WordCamp Dublin 2019 for those new to WordPress and students at DCU.
